You might have been told to turn to household remedies to fix some scratched hardwood floors. 🧼

While many homeowners turn to things like vinegar to mend scratches on their hardwood floors, it can actually be quite damaging.

From olive oil and vinegar to crayons, tea bags, nuts, coffee grounds, lemon juice, and rubbing alcohol, we’ve seen it all! While these might seem like they reduce the appearance of scratches, they’re not permanent fixes and may not work for all types of scratches.

So, what about mending scratches on hardwood floors with vinegar?


Types of Scratches

Nobody likes scratches on hardwood floors— even if they’re looking for a more distressed look! Scratches on hardwood floors can detract from the overall appearance of your home and diminish the value of your investment.

And while people can sometimes track down scratches from specific accidents, drops, spills, trips and other incidences, they can also happen without us knowing.

Pet claws, high heels, or simply the passage of time in high-traffic areas can bring about these unwelcome parts of our floors.

image of a person touching up a hardwood floor

And while minor scratches may add character to your floors, deeper scratches can be unsightly and require attention.

There are a few different types of scratches that can occur on hardwood floors, each with its own characteristics and causes. Here are some common types of scratches:

Surface scratches

These are shallow scratches that only affect the topmost layer of the finish on hardwood floors. These scratches are usually minor and can be caused by everyday wear and tear, such as furniture movement or pet claws.

Deep scratches

These are more severe than surface scratches and penetrate deeper into the wood. These scratches are often more noticeable and can be caused by heavy furniture being dragged across the floor or sharp objects being dropped.


These are V-shaped scratches that can penetrate through the finish and into the wood itself. These scratches are usually caused by heavy impacts, such as dropping a heavy object onto the floor.


These are marks on the surface of the floor that are caused by rubbing or friction. These marks can be caused by shoes, furniture, or other objects rubbing against the floor.

Abrasion marks

These are scratches that occur when a hard object, such as a rock or piece of gravel, is dragged across the floor. These scratches can be deep and may require professional repair.

Each scratch might need a slightly different approach. But you don’t necessarily need to how to remove scratches from hardwood floors— that’s what professionals are for!

For minor surface scratches, simple DIY fixes like using a wood marker or filler may suffice, while deeper scratches or gouges may require professional repair and refinishing.

But how can you fix scratches on hardwood floors the right way?


image of dark scratched hardwood floor

How Can I Fix Scratches On My Hardwood Floor Without Vinegar?

When it comes to figuring out how to get scratches out of hardwood floors, there are several safe alternatives to using vinegar. Some effective methods include:

Using these safe alternatives, you know a little more about how to repair hardwood floor scratches… without risking damage from acidic substances like vinegar.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take proper care of your hardwood floors to keep them looking their best for years to come.


How to Prevent Hardwood Floor Scratches

To prevent scratches on your hardwood floors and maintain their beauty, consider these helpful tips:


image of scratched hardwood floor on a lighter yellow floor

Why You Can’t Mend Scratches on Hardwood Floors with Vinegar

We don’t recommend mending scratches on hardwood floors with vinegar because it is acidic and can damage the finish.

The risks of damage and discoloration outweigh any potential benefits, and it’s best to use safer alternatives for maintaining and repairing hardwood floors. Plus, trying to do a home remedy on your floor before contacting your hardwood floor professional could void the warranty of your flooring.

Bring in a professional to use a product specifically formulated for wood floors to maintain their beauty and longevity.

Before trying a home remedy, contact your hardwood floor manufacturer for help! You might have a warranty that covers scratches and abrasions so you don’t have to experiment yourself.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about possibly risking your floor because of it.

Looking for some hardwood floor scratch repair? Our experts at TriArt are here to help! Reach out to us for all your splitting, gapping, buckling, or cupping issues so you can have the hardwood floors of your dreams.

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